martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

PC software on server for Budget

Emoney or Wealthvision is missing. They don't have true app's though. Nice list though.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

JBL AC26 Ultra Compact 2-way Loudspeaker with 2 x 6.5” LF

If you're willing to go digging around pro catalogs and aesthetics aren't a big deal, I'd seriously look into the JBL AC26:

They will blow pretty much anything else away out there in terms of raw performance for the price and the 92 dB SPL/1W/1m sensitivity with 117 dB max should be close enough to THX reference for government work out to ~10' listening position with your typical home A/V receiver. You should be able to get them for a bit over $800/ea with an offline quote from somebody like John Schuermann (drop him a PM here).